Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Avery's ill

I can hardly remember sleeping last night. First, Charlotte's cell phone called inadvertently at 11:30pm (there was a lot of noise and laughing going on in the background). Then, Avery walked in at midnight with a tummy ache and big fever. And, that was pretty much the end of any sleeping. Josh got up and went upstairs to Charlotte's bed, and Avery (tried to) slept with me. He was whining so much that Josh woke up and came down at around 5am; that's when I left and went up to Charlotte's bed while he took a turn with Avery. Olivia woke up at 6:30 saying that Avery woke her up; and the next thing I knew, Avery came in to the girls' room and it was 9am! I came downstairs and Josh and Olivia had already left for school. I was in a daze after the night of musical beds.

Needless to say, Avery stayed home today. He had a fever and diarrhea -- it was so bad he couldn't make it to the bathroom. I had a couple of beauty appointments scheduled, so we stayed home in shifts. Josh stayed with Avery while I had my nails done; I stayed with Avery while he went on a bike ride. Avery was really listless all day until this evening. Josh picked up some diarrhea medicine at the pharmacy this afternoon and that seemed to help. Of course, the timing is sad since Josh and I have been planning to leave for Capri tomorrow for a couple of days. If Avery is not well-enough to go to school, we'll have to adjust our departure.

I picked Olivia up from school and we walked home. Along the way we stopped for a cafe (for me) and a biscotti (for her). While we were sitting at the banquette, a group of teenagers came in and sat next to us. I wasn't paying much attention, but Olivia overheard them and then told me (in secret) that they'd said "cazzo," and then she told me what it meant. Unfortunately, cursing in Italian is part of the linguistic lesson that sticks with kids.

Morris came over tonight to make some dinner which was really helpful since Avery wanted me to sit with him all evening. Poor little guy. I just hope he can sleep through the night tonight (so we can too:)) and that he'll feel better in the morning.

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